Bee..n a little buzzzy with bees and Scuba and family, and not got to update the blog until today.
WORK: Check on bees Saturday 28th April 3pm (Weather permitting) should take no more than 20-30 minutes of actual time, plus questions and answers if you have any.
Our installation of the pkg of bees Sponsored by Tates Apiaries from Winston Salem went very well. Larry Tate was a Boy Scout many years ago, and was happy to help us. The Queen we have is from Wayne's bees, a local Hygienic bee race. Wayne Rich kept bees in our area and had two hives that he never treated and these survived all the issues of the recent years. Wayne passed away a few years back and Wally Swaims and Larry Tate are keeping these genetics going. These bees will fight the Verroa Mites and Small Hive Beatles inside the hive, keeping the hive strong.
In the end most of the scouts in the Project were able to come last Saturday, which is pretty awesome. A number of people also invited friends and family and we had about 14 people in all. I had forgotten it was the Guilford County Bee club's open day , so none of our mentors were able to come, but it all went down without a hitch.
Allen with 15,000 bees |
Jack opening the hive |
Dylan helping move a frame |
Sugar can feeder and the Queen cage |
Queen cage with cork removed |
hanging the queen cage |
Bunch of bees |
Harrison helping me close up the hive with a little smoke |
Sugar feeder on top of hive top |
We went through some theory with the boys, passed the pkg around for people to feel 3lbs of bees, some 15,000 of them, and then without much ado and a little sugar spray, opened the pkg, showed everyone the Queen in her cage and shook out the bees into the 8 frame hive.
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